Monthly Archives: January 2014

Beware Weight-loss Pitches With Slim Chance Of Working

Weight Loss Surgery is a Solution to Endless Hunger Pangs

Though the FTCs authority is limited to sanctions, Rich believes actions like these will help consumers get their heads out of the sand. We want consumers to learn to recognize telltale signs of a rip-off, she said. But whats wrong with us that we dont already know a diet scam when we see one? Some of us seriously believed that we could sprinkle a magic dust on our food and lose weight. People want to believe this stuff works, because they want a quick fix, says Mary Marian, clinical dietitian and instructor at the University of Arizona.
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The result is that men and women, following bariatric surgery with Beverly Hills Physicians, consistently achieve long-term weight loss in the healthiest way possible. Anyone who is interested in learning more about weight loss procedures through Beverly Hills Physicians can garcinia cambogia reviews yahoo take advantage of a free consultation with a bariatric surgeon. At these meetings, interested men and women can learn specific information regarding their weight loss options. At that time, patients will also be introduced to a consultant who can help with the various details of obtaining surgery, including administrative and financial matters.
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